Daily Staff Writer

* Entrepreneurship Center to hold forum — The Iowa State Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship will hold this school year’s first Entrepreneur Forum today from noon to 1 p.m. in the Pioneer Room of the Memorial Union.

These brown-bag lunch events will be held every other month during the fall and spring semesters.

This month’s speaker is Paul Juffer, partner with the firm Larson, Watson, Bartling and Juffer in Des Moines. He provides strategic and business planning, financial consulting, merger and acquisition services and a wide range of accounting services.

Juffer is a certified public accountant and in the past has served as a chief financial officer of a software development company.

* Ames Public Mabon to host community ritual — The Ames Public Mabon will host Saturday “The Sabbat of Mabon,” a community ritual marking the fall equinox.

The event will begin at 6 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames, 1015 Hyland Ave.

A free-will cash donation will be collected to help cover event costs, and participants are asked to bring non-perishable food items for the local food bank.

The ritual is sponsored by WiccaNet, Iowa State University Pagan Community, Hecate’s Broom Coven, Prairie Sage Coven and Midwest Pagan Youth Council.

* Weekend Voyagers International to sponsor Hispanic Heritage Month celebration — Weekend Voyagers International, a program of the Ames/Iowa State YWCA, is sponsoring a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration Saturday from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ames Public Library.

Participants can make dolls, friendship bracelets and paper flowers, as well as dance, play games and break pi¤atas.

The event was organized in conjunction with the Mexican American Young Achievers Society (MAYAS), the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and Worldly Goods, 223 Main St.

* Pi Beta Phi and Lamba Chi to bump, set, spike for charity — Pi Beta Phi sorority and Lamba Chi Alpha fraternity will both be sponsoring volleyball tournaments this weekend as part of their philanthropy projects.

Lamba Chi Alpha’s “Sorority Grass Volleyball” tournament will start Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Maple-Willow-Larch intramural fields.

Sorority women still interested in participating can sign up today. Registration is $22 for six women and must be paid in advance. For more information, call Tom Duncan at 292-3523.

All money raised will go to support the Ames Boys and Girls Club. Participants will be provided with a free breakfast and lunch.

Pi Beta Phi’s “Fifth Annual Dirty Open,” a mud volleyball tournament, will start at 11 a.m. at Brookside Park behind the tennis courts.

People who want to participate can sign up Sunday at the park. Registration is $20 for a team of six. Teams can be co-ed. Proceeds will go to benefit the American Cancer Society for Breast Cancer Research.