No ethanol slavery

Kyle Markley

There have been a lot of attacks on Mr. Woell for his opposition to a law that would criminalize the sale of non-ethanol gasoline in Iowa. As unpopular as his position is, he has supporters. I am one of them.

He’s already supplied the facts about why ethanol is bad for consumers and the environment. I’m here to tell you this proposed law is a political and moral disaster, too.

This country was founded on the principle of individual rights, and this law would institutionalize the violation of those rights.

Forcing gas stations to sell only ethanol blends violates the property rights of the owners.

Forcing gas stations to sell only ethanol is like forcing farmers to grow only soybeans. Growing corn would be a criminal offense. Does that sound fair, right and moral? Is that the American way?

“But farmers are hard workers,” people cry. Well, I’m a hard worker, too.

Where’s my subsidy? When will the government force people to purchase my product? Why don’t I have a “right” to be successful at others’ expense?

This law is obscene. It’s just another wealth-redistribution scheme designed to help Peter by penalizing Paul. Haven’t we outgrown slavery?

If you want to help farmers, my advice is this: Send them your money directly, but don’t send them mine, and don’t violate the rights of the oil companies.

Let the market decide what’s at the pump. May the best fuel win.

Kyle Markley


Computer science

President, Objectivists at ISU