Look at all angles

Chris Vogel

Mr. Lashier’s Sept. 21 column to Christians left me more than a little disappointed. His argument to support the perceived persecution of Christians in the United States left out a number of details and showed no evidence that the persecution of Christians was more severe than that of other religious groups.

At first glance, it might seem as though Christians are under attack in the United States. It is undeniable that more members of Christianity die everyday in America than any other religious group.

This is not, however, due to any persecution. It is due to the simple fact that a large majority of Americans consider themselves Christian, in one form or another.

I found it unsettling that Mr. Lashier only cited high-profile multiple murder cases that involved Christians in his article. What about the shooting in L.A. that took the lives of some very young Jews? Is that somehow validated as retribution against this perceived persecution? Or did you mean to say that this too is wrong and that nobody should suffer in this manner but you ran out of column space?

I do not wish to insinuate that Mr. Lashier is racist or anti-non-Christian, however, the one-sided article that was put to press is exactly the kind of thing that leads to mistrust and hatred between groups of people. In the future, please try to look at the issue from all angles so as to avoid this short-sightedness.

Chris Vogel

