Attacking creationists

Eric Hiatt

I wrote a letter last week in response to the letter by J.T. Bridges, but I feel I need to clarify it so people like Rebecca Thomas can understand it. I wouldn’t want any creationists to be seeing things the incorrect way.

Look at it from my perspective. I see Bridges’ letter challenging “evolutionists” to read Behe’s book.

It turns out that Behe’s book does NOTHING to challenge evolution and everyone who understands evolution and has read his book knows this.

Therefore, the only effect Bridges’ suggestion has is to reinforce the creationist belief with misleading and blatantly false information. Bridges probably doesn’t intend to do this, but the fact remains.

Besides, does anyone honestly think a single creationist is going to see the flaws in Behe’s book?

Of course not. Creationists don’t want to see them and many are so scientifically immature I doubt they could find them if they tried. The book sure fooled Bridges.

Evolution is a fact. It’s the exact mechanisms of evolution that are theoretical. Almost every population of organisms on Earth is evolving right now as I type.

Now here’s an analogy for you.

I have a huge group of people telling me the world is flat, Taco Bell is real Mexican food, and virgins have children, and then these people go and tell me to read books that support this crap with lies.

You bet I’m going to start attacking creationists instead of their “opinions” when they tell me to change my mind for no reason.

I hope my feelings seem justified. And Rebecca, you weren’t going to read all the “evolutionist” literature, anyway, so don’t pretend you were.

Eric Hiatt


Mathematics and music