Give us facts, Jack

Amanda Bingham and Michael Johnson

In response to Aaron Woell’s Sept.15 column, where did you get your information? If you wish to make such strong opinions, please state your sources.

We have not seen any reliability in your column. I am not saying you are wrong on all of your points, but if you wish to be taken seriously, give credit.

Especially when you are stating your opinions on a major agricultural topic such as ethanol.

Some states, such as Minnesota, have adopted this proposal.

As for scientific reliability, try the agronomy deptartment on our very own ISU campus.

Everyone has ideas and no real answers. But there is one way that you can help and it isn’t “a gimmick concocted by greedy farmers to alleviate economic problems caused by their own short-sightednss” or welfare.

If you will recall you stated that Gov. Vilsack, Secretary of Ariculture Patty Judge and U.S. Sens. Harkin and Grassley are in favor of this. Which one of these represents the “greedy farmers?” Who do you represent with your opinion? Some may say that those thoughts come from the monopolistic oil companies.

I will give you this much, you have guts. Coming into a state that is one of the leaders in producing agriculture and stating that “ethanol is a tool of Satan!”

One more question: Why don’t you go back to your state and state those same opinions to the farmers who supported you in public education.

Amanda Bingham


Agricultural business

Michael Johnson


Agricultural business