Let our bicycles go and a word of thanks

Andy Rink, Jeff Yungk

Considering all the intelligent people employed by this university, it is surprising what unforeseen consequences can come from the aftermath of their decisions.

An example would be the reasoning behind the cutting of the bicycle locks around Friley during the time between the summer and fall semesters.

The logic behind cutting the locks was to remove all the abandoned bicycles before fall semester.

The bicycles were tagged with a paper that stated the date they would be removed from the racks.

Unfortunately, this occurred the week after summer classes were over and at that point a good number of students had already gone home.

The idea was good; however, students did not receive adequate notice.

Fortunately, there were people to turn to in order to rectify the situation.

The people who were working at DPS on Friday spent at least an hour tracking down our bicycles.

We would like to send a big thank you to all the people who helped us.

To those who were involved in the decision to cut the locks: Please, consider your decision more carefully next time.

Andy Rink


Computer engineering

Jeff Yungk


Computer engineering