Iowa is blessed

Eric Maurer

You folks in Iowa are blessed to be able to cast the first deciding vote in the 2000 election.

Your vote becomes even more important as New Hampshire has just cancelled its own October straw poll.

Your vote in Ames on August 14 will make or break the campaigns of many Republicans in the race.

As a resident of New Hampshire, I have no Iowa ID, so I cannot vote. I can only share my opinion that Alan Keyes has the best message.

Whether he is giving one of his great speeches, engaged in debate, or answering a question, it is so evident that Keyes is clearly different than the rest of the Republican pack.

He can think without the help of aides or advisors.

Keyes will tell you what he thinks rather than watering down his core beliefs.

We need fortitude back in politics.

We need statesmen rather than politicians.

Vote for Alan Keyes for president in the Iowa straw poll.

Eric Maurer


Portsmouth, N.H.