Construction Injustice

Gazala Khan

I seek some justice regarding an automobile accident that happened on July 9.

On that morning, I was heading from school toward Des Moines on I-35.

Near exit 92, road construction was in progress, the right lane on I-35 was closed, and traffic heading south was passing in the left lane.

While I was crossing the construction area, I noticed an object coming from the construction lane. It came so fast I wasn’t able to avoid it, and both of my car’s right tires ran over it.

After going for a while, I realized that something was not okay, and I decided to pull the car toward the right shoulder.

By that time, construction had ended, and traffic was now on both lanes.

Within a few seconds the car was totally out of control and started spinning.

As the car was spinning, I was trying to take it toward the shoulder.

My car spun and stopped almost 90 percent inside the shoulder when a motorhome coming from the exit hit my car.

After 11 days, I cannot get any claim from the motorhome-owner’s insurance company as they said it is not their party’s fault, and they are still trying to contact the witness.

Because of some road construction worker’s negligence, I lost my car and nearly my life.

In the police report, there is no mention of the reason for the accident (the metal piece), although it is evident from the fact that both my car’s new right tires burst.

By the grace of God, I didn’t get injured, and that seems to work against me as none of the renowned attorneys take cases without personal injuries.

I don’t know what to do now. I lost my car for no good reason, and I am getting no justice.

That is why I am making this issue public by contacting the Iowa State Daily.

I hope I will get some kind of hearing from the DOT as well as university officials.

Gazala Khan

Graduate student

Computer science