Fit facts to funnies

Barry French

Just like any business, I expect Engineering Animation, Inc. to be subjected to tough scrutiny from the media. Thus, despite the close ties between EAI and Iowa State, I have no objection to aggressive coverage of EAI by the Iowa State Daily as long as that coverage is fair and accurate.

A recent so-called cartoon about EAI published by the Daily was so shamelessly bad that it fell short of any reasonable standard of journalism or humor. This cartoon, by Carmen Cerra, wasn’t funny, illuminating or even accurate in its message.

I suggest that Cerra buy a subscription to the New Yorker to learn more about the wit and creativity required for first-class work in his apparent field.

A crass attack on a company for a reasonable business action is one of the weakest topics for a cartoon that I can imagine.

EAI has gone far beyond what is required, as well as far beyond what is common practice for companies the size of EAI, to provide support to employees that will have to find new jobs.

Arlene Birt’s story in the Daily, which quotes an employee being displaced by EAI’s exit from the Games and SciTech businesses, confirms this fact.

Cerra’s lame effort at humor is an embarrassment to ISU and the Daily.

If the Daily wants to be tough on EAI, fine. We are a strong company and can withstand the scrutiny. Next time, however, try to have your funnies fit the facts.

Barry French

executive director

corporate communications, EAI