Republican nominees vie for votes at straw poll

Lisa Cassady

The competition for the Republican nomination for next year’s presidential race will heat up Aug. 14 when Iowa Republicans host a straw poll in Ames.

Dee Stuart, executive director of the Iowa Republican Party, called the poll the “most publicized” and the “most well attended” event for GOP candidates preceding the national convention.

The event will be held at Hilton Coliseum, and nearly all current Republican presidential hopefuls will be attending.

“It gives Iowan Republican activists a chance to vote for their favorite candidate,” Stuart said.

Michael Riley from the Iowa State College Republicans said the club will be there to support the candidates.

“The most important thing is to be there to help,” said Riley, sophomore in pre-computer engineering.

According to the Iowa Republican Central Committee office, the attendees as of Wednesday include former Tennessee Gov. Lamar Alexander, activist Gary Bauer, conservative commentator Pat Buchanan, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, former first lady Elizabeth Dole, publisher Steve Forbes, commentator Alan Keyes, Ohio Rep. John Kasich, New Hampshire Sen. Bob Smith, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch and former Vice President Dan Quayle.

Although many pundits deny the importance of the Iowa straw poll because those wishing to cast votes must pay the $25 fee to attend the event, Stuart said he still feels the poll is a bellwether test of a candidate’s strength.

“The poll is very accurate. In 1996, Bob Dole tied in first and ultimately, was the Republican nominee,” he said. “The winner enjoys a period of increased publicity for a time.”

Though the straw poll is an admittedly informal and nonscientific test of who will win the Republican nomination, Stuart said candidates put a lot of weight in the results.

“The candidates view the poll very seriously. They all put thousands of dollars into the poll,” he said.

In fact, many candidates are spending more than just thousands. According to the Associated Press, the Iowa Republican Party took in nearly $80,000 in renting space outside of Hilton for candidates to put up tents and displays.

Among the biggest spenders were the former president’s son George W. Bush, who dropped $43,500 to rent space and Forbes, who spent $8,000 (see graphic). Only Keyes did not rent booth space.

Stuart said that 10,000 to 20,000 GOP activists are expected to attend.

At the last poll, in 1995, 12,000 Iowans came out to cast their votes for their favorite Republican candidates.

Those wishing to attend must have a valid State of Iowa license and currently be a resident of Iowa.

The proceeds garnered by the $25 cost to attend the event goes to the Iowan Republican Party.