A short prayer for the flag

Editorial Board

Flag desecration is an unusually hot topic.

Why unusual? Because most people cannot honestly say they have seen a flag desecrated on American soil.

Sure, someone somewhere has probably done Old Glory a bit of desecration, but it certainly hasn’t stopped traffic or drawn a crowd.

So why all the fuss?

Some are curious about this new amendment and the way it is worded as well.

As hot and bothered as many people have been over the issue of flag burning, the fact is, the proper way to dispose of a flag once it has become torn and tattered, left out in the rain or even accidentally touched the ground, is to burn it.

Check out your Boy Scout manual because it’s in there.

Desecration became the word of choice when savvy politicos realized there was a loophole.

Now it is only wrong to burn the flag if you are thinking bad thoughts while you are doing it.

It will be technically okay to burn a flag. It will be okay to say “America Sucks!” But it will not be okay to burn a flag while saying “America Sucks!”

Actual desecration of the flag is pretty easy to achieve. Every fast food joint that lets the flag sit outside 24 hours a day rain or shine with the wind blowing it to shreds has allowed the flag to be desecrated. It’s just that easy.

Wearing the flag as a piece of clothing or draping yourself in it like most politicians do for photo ops is also a very bad display of disrespect for the flag.

And now a short prayer.

Please God, let our Senate show the wisdom of a mentally-challenged junior high schooler on crank.

Please give it the patience and intelligence to see the difference between well-intentioned insanity and blatant attempts to curry favor with an uneducated public that would just as soon give up its free speech rights than deal with the theoretical inconvenience of watching someone burn a flag on television without being arrested.

Please God, let them strike this flag-desecration amendment down with extreme prejudice or we will all be very sorry.