Jerrett is wrong and has low earning potential

Jennifer Chase

Mr. Jerrett’s recent column concerning Emergency Contraception kits offended me. I realize he painted a grim picture to prove a point.

Unfortunately, when a college coed becomes pregnant by accident, his comments echo entirely too closely what enters her head.

These are stereotypes of what will happen if she decides not to abort the baby.

I am living proof that this prediction is not what has to follow.

I am the “good Beta” who got pregnant by accident. I was beginning my junior year at ISU.

I found out four weeks into my pregnancy.

I cried for at least a week straight.

I shared the news with my boyfriend, and the day I told him was the day he decided he did not want to see me anymore. I was entirely on my own from then on out.

However, contrary to Mr. Jerrett’s statements, there are other options besides abortion. I chose to keep my baby — killing him was never an option.

Sure my parents had a few issues with the pregnancy, but they quickly supported me in my decision.

They never considered me a “whore” or treated me with less than 100 percent respect.

Since I had my son, they have repeatedly told me how proud they are of me for having the maturity to deal with the consequences of my actions.

My son is about to celebrate his first birthday.

I did not drop out of college to live out the rest of my days on welfare or work at truckstops to make ends meet.

I’m getting ready to graduate this December. I already have an amazing job lined up making much more than Mr. Jerrett will see in quite a while; and yes, I enjoy my career choice.

It amazes me how many support systems are out there for people who wish to find them.

When you choose to not terminate a pregnancy, it is not the grim tale you paint it out to be. Having my son was the best thing that ever happened to me.

It changed my entire life and outlook. I am no longer the self-centered college student I once was.

Every time I see him, I know that the difficulties I face are more than worth it.

Instead of arguing for abortion, maybe you should focus on prevention. If prevention does not work, focus on solutions other than abortion.

Abortion may seem like an easy road to take, but I know people who chose this road and found it extremely difficult to live with the guilt. When someone decides not to abort, help is out there for those who choose to ask for it.

I am just one example of someone who chose to keep my child and succeed in life.

Jennifer Chase

Management information systems
