Jerrett is unfair and cruel to single mothers

Laurie Karns

After reading Jennifer Chase’s response to Mr. Jerrett, I felt that I too had to write and voice my strong disapproval of his unfair and cruel stereotyping of single parents.

I know so many extremely brave women who “chose life” and although it has not been a “walk in the park,” they have been successful.

Kudos to you, Jennifer.

Mr. Jerrett’s letter also struck a nerve with me because of my personal experience.

A young woman who got pregnant by accident chose to place her child for adoption, and only because of her unselfishness and willingness to be “burdened” for nine months did I become a mom.

She made me and my husband the happiest people in the world and forever changed our lives for the better.

Any of my colleagues who have been bored by my endless parade of pictures and stories of my daughter can attest to that.

My family and the birth family enjoy continuous contact and I believe this affirms her tough decision.

I just wanted to say that Mr. Jerrett, sorry, but my experience also says you were way off base.

Laurie Karns

Assistant director

Engineering Career Services