Where’s the proof?

Jonathan Garton

Everyone’s excuse for the bombing and destroying of Yugoslavia is the so-called atrocities being committed there by the Serb forces. First of all, where is your proof of these atrocities? Yes, there is fighting going on in Kosovo, but where is the proof of any mass killing? Every report I have read says that the claims of the refugees cannot be independently verified. Shouldn’t we make sure something is going on before we destroy a country?

The true problem with Americans is that we haven’t had a war on our soil for a couple hundred years. We have no idea what bombing really involves!

It is our solution to everything because it causes so much damage to them and so little to us.

It is so easy for our president now to start bombing campaigns without congressional support that lately we have been bombing the hell out of everyone that chooses to think different.

Did you know that Yugoslavia is that last country in Europe that doesn’t have NATO troops or an American base in it?

It would sure look like we are the ones that are progressively taking over Europe, inflicting our way of life on everyone and crushing any opposition with military force.

That is what should be called an atrocity, not the rumors that are flying out of our military leaders’ mouths every day.

Jonathan Garton


Civil engineering