Hanging is too good for price-gougers

Editorial Board

In recent years, the fair state of Iowa has had to deal with more than its fair share of natural disasters.

The only positive side to the floods and tornadoes was the way Iowans seemed to band together afterwards.

News programs were filled with stories and images of volunteerism and self-sacrifice.

It was a cold customer indeed who found himself untouched by the sight of donated goods, services and time.

With the recent streak of disasters, however, some merchants have decided the days of selfless concern are finished.

The milk of human kindness has expired and if you can make a quick buck on someone else’s misfortune then, by all means, why not?

According to the Associated Press, Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller has received reports that price-gouging is occurring within the state. He is warning home owners to be careful and to report suspected price-gougers to his office.

Next to traitors and war profiteers, there is no more despicable and unpatriotic villain than the price-gouging merchant who inflates costs to increase his wealth at the expense of his afflicted fellow citizens.

At times like this it is truly a shame that we cannot recommend solutions that fall outside the bounds of the law.

Vigilante justice might be too good for these people. But until public hangings make a comeback, it is good to know that Tom Miller is watching our backs.