U.S. should step off

Yueming Jiang

After reading Aaron Woell’s column on May 18, I’m more convinced that Americans are misled by the media.

Many people relate the recent protests in China to Tiananmen Square. Both were sincere efforts to make the country better.

A peaceful demonstration over the deaths of three innocent people is definitely understandable. It’s just not enough to show our anger to an arrogant government used to killing innocents. Please use your hair to count how many people have been killed by your government in 1999!

Woell claimed China and the U.S. have different goals and therefore aren’t friends. So tell me, what is your goal?

I admit we are at odds on how to make the world a better place, but if taking the same bus to Rome is a prerequisite for being friends, we are not. Just leave us alone. Don’t tell us what we should do. We know it. Before the plane is ready for boarding, we have to ride a bike for a while.

It was very difficult for communism to come to China because it wasn’t a perfect time. And we made some mistakes. It was very lucky for communism to survive while some aggressive nations tried to nip the thing in the bud. Don’t you think someone’s arms were too long? As to the wars in Korea and Vietnam, you know whose faults those were. The world knows.

There are more questions we should answer. Why can’t America just keep its troops in the U.S.? Why does the U.S. want every country to be like it while claiming to favor diversity? If the U.S. can sell weapons, why can’t others?

You don’t like others directing your national policy, so why do it to others?

While you claim China stole your military technology, how do you get our military secrets?

While you talk about foreign fundraising, do you remember who funded our civil war after World War II?

You don’t know because it’s not reported by CNN.

Wake up! See the world through your own eyes! The one who has opening night tickets does not always have the tickets you need. The truth of politicians is not the truth for most of us!

Yueming Jiang

Graduate student

Computer engineering