International food featured at fair

Lindsey Mcneeley

On Saturday, 21 countries will converge under one roof at Iowa State.

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Great Hall of the Memorial Union will house the Veishea International Food Fair.

This year, 21 clubs representing different countries will be present, up from 15 groups last year.

Jeremy Kass, Veishea Open Houses co-chairman, said the fair will bring new tastes to students’ palates.

“The purpose of the fair is to give the Ames and Iowa State community a chance to taste foods from a different culture that they may not normally get,” said Kass, senior in dairy science.

Ann Van Steenhuyse, Cultural Festival co-chairwoman, said the event is a combination of Veishea’s Global Food Fair and the spring International Food Fair.

The different types of international food will help make ISU students aware of other cultural traditions, said Halef Gunawan, Cultural Festival co-chairman.

“ISU has a lot of international potential that can be developed — one of them is the diversity of food from everywhere,” said Gunawan, sophomore in food science. “You won’t get something disgusting in here, like fried bugs or rats, but still a lot of new food that can make you wonder.”

Last year, the International Food Fair was so popular all booths ran out of food, said Van Steenhuyse, junior in food science and technology.

“We hope the same happens this year,” said Kaya Tolon, vice president of the International Student Council and sophomore in industrial engineering. “We expect more than 2,000 visitors this year.”

A cultural tent set up on central campus will display international organizations, and a cultural stage in front in front of Curtiss Hall will be the site for demonstrations, dancing and concerts.

The cost to get into the fair is $2 per person or $7 per family of four. Once inside, people can purchase tickets to try food from different booths. One dollar from each ticket will go toward the International Student Scholarship Fund.