Former Iowa State professor confesses selling videotapes depicting child pornography

Daily Staff Writer

Former Iowa State engineering professor Michael Frank Berard, of Ames, admitted in U.S. District Court in Des Moines on Tuesday that he used ISU computers as part of an international child pornography business.

According to an article in The Des Moines Register, Berard admitted he sold videotapes and 8mm films depicting minors having sexual intercourse and other sexual acts through the mail and the Internet since 1994.

Although he used home computers to contact customers and a commercial mailbox to receive the tapes, he used ISU computers to access Internet pornography.

According to the article in The Register, U.S. Customs agents and postal inspectors discovered Berard’s front business, MFB Consulting, in November 1997.

John McCarroll, director of University Relations, told the Daily that Berard resigned without giving a reason on Jan. 16, 1998, after working at ISU for 33 years.

McCarroll said the university is not pursuing any disciplinary action because Berard no longer works for the university.

“We were aware of the investigation by federal agents,” McCarroll said.

“But we were not involved in the investigation and did not conduct our own investigation.”

The sentence could involve a maximum of 20 years in prison and a $500,000 fine.

However, according to the article in The Register, since he pleaded guilty and because of his previously clean record Berard will more likely face five years in prison after the June 17 sentence.

He will remain free until then.