I should’ve known

Dan Heck

I should have known not to start this type of debate. In response to Mr. Mohror, no, laws alone may not do any more good than they already have. This is why I listed a number of plans to help stop crime, including parental control and care.

The most obvious question that arises from the Littleton situation is how could their families have missed the signs and the materials?

They could have been stopped, and my suggestion that only the killers were responsible was hasty. It would be hard to stop people who plan to kill for so long, but do we have to think it is impossible?

Guns are designed for killing and injuring. If they are used in self-defense, they are used to take down criminals.

Your analogy with a car and a drunk driver is an illogical one. Everyone uses cars for a harmless purpose; this is not the case with firearms or any weapon.

I never meant to say that guns “convinced” people to kill or that “families would not be consoled by the fact that “it could have been worse.” It was simply a rhetorical statement of the possibilities.

I never said the attackers would try to kill with their fists. I acknowledged that the scenario was unrealistic.

I just hope someday we’ll be able to notice when people are on the wrong track and stop demonic plans from being executed.

I want you to know I am extremely offended by the juxtaposition of my theories alongside those of Adolf Hitler and others.

What were you trying to prove? That gun control is actually a bad thing? No matter how futile it is, it can’t hurt.

I realize my intentions may have been misinterpreted and I fully agree with what you’ve said. We’re not going to stop this anytime soon and guns are not the only cause of tragedy.

My intention was simply to make a statement about how our world MIGHT be better if our right to bear arms weren’t so badly abused.

It saddens me to think that anyone would disagree that much. So I pray you don’t lose hope that things will get better.

I hope I’ve cleared some things up, so that this argument doesn’t go on forever. Sorry if I stirred some bad emotions. God bless.

Dan Heck


Chemistry and computer science