Not a ‘spree’

Mark Patrick Callison

I was shocked and saddened when I heard of the tragic events yesterday in Littleton.

I received almost as big a shock today when I read the Daily’s headline, which reported this catastrophic incident as a shooting “spree.”

For the record, one may go on a shopping “spree” or a drinking “spree.” Both are entirely acceptable uses of the word, suggestive of merriment and wild abandon.

Granted, we often hear of crime “sprees,” but this sort of reporting is poor journalism at best by playing down any outburst of criminal activity as though it were nothing more than a harmless binge.

Referring to this tragedy in such an insensitive, belittling manner is the worst breach of journalistic etiquette I have ever seen in my entire life.

This sort of headline shows an utterly deplorable lack of sympathy and respect for the victims, their families and the residents of the entire community.

Mark Patrick Callison


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