Quick Es

Daily Staff Writer

Quick E of the Day

“I think my Furby has a learning disorder.”


Animal science

Quick Es: A Monkey House of Fun in Every One

You can’t drink this Veishea, so why not try something new?

YOU know you’re funny — now shove it everyone’s face like Carrottop at the “Boogie Nights” audition!

The Daily is having an old-fashioned “Veishea Quick E Contest!” YEE-HAW!

Five wieners will read their Quick Es live at the Tone Loc show on April 14.

To enter (bomp-a chic-a bomp bah), send Veishea-related Quick Es with your name and phone number to:

[email protected]

Veishea — because flying monkeys only LOOK evil.

“Since Veishea is dry, does that mean I can’t use my water bong?”


Computer science

“Drugs are bad. You shouldn’t do drugs, m’kay?”


Mechanical engineering

“Next time you make a long-distance phone call, please use: 10-10-3256-7856-4125-9907-6754-3278-4076.”


Agricultural systems technology

“Is there anyone out there that doesn’t feel oppressed today?”


Journalism and mass communication

“Lake LaVerne smells worse than my Sea Monkey tank.”


Graphic design

“Graduating in four years is like leaving the party at 9 p.m.”


Computer engineering

“The closer we get to Veishea, the more I start to realize that Iowa State is lame. I’m transferring to Iowa.”

