Reefer madness

Editorial Board

Iowa state lawmakers, obviously frustrated with their inability to get any REAL work done, decided it was time to get tough on something.

So, they decided to tackle that old demon Mary Jane (wacky weed, the chronic, Satan’s oregano, pot).

According to the Associated Press, they decided to make it a felony if friends buy marijuana for their friends and money changes hands.

Apparently, enough people aren’t in jail for drug-related crimes, so they needed to define some more drug dealers into existence.

No one here is saying that drugs are good. Drugs are bad, OK? So don’t do drugs, OK? But this bill will actually make someone a drug dealer when quite frankly they aren’t.

This bill is the equivalent of saying that if you get pizza with a friend and they give you money for that pizza, you are guilty of running a restaurant without a license.

People are always going in on things together. I buy a case of beer, and my buddy brings the chips. He gives me the difference. Does this mean I should have gotten a liquor license? No.

It is perfectly comprehensible to most people how anyone in this situation is not guilty of any wrong doing.

But because pot has been demonized, that makes it different.

Just because pot is illegal doesn’t justify creating drug dealers through semantics just to make ourselves feel like we are doing something about drugs in this country.

Anyone in possession of pot is already guilty of a crime, so why turn them into dealers on top of that?

Are our prisons lacking inmates? It’s not likely.

American prisons are packed to the gills with people convicted of victimless crimes and minor drug charges. For a “free country,” we sure are locking people up fast.

Representative Steve Soukup of Dougherty said that too many people have gotten the idea that it is OK to “deal” to the their friends.

Instead of a $250 fine, he wants to see some people serving jail time. That’s a genius plan you got there Steve.

Let’s take some kid who shared his stash and put him with people who can teach him how to REALLY make money from selling drugs. This door swings both ways.

If one is just as guilty sharing weed as you are dealing, then it won’t take long to realize that some people won’t avoid pot, they will just decide to take the next step and make some money.

Why look like a chump in front of the other cons?