Vote ‘yes’ on tax

Jacob Martzahn

I read that the Campus Republicans and ISU Democrats have agreed on something for the first time ever. I was disappointed to find how completely ignorant both groups are. The groups, along with others, are encouraging students to vote “no” on the hotel tax increase that would fund the Hilton Coliseum expansion project, the reason being that the new seats would benefit “fat cat” donors and not the common student.

The ISU athletic department’s policies towards students have baffled me throughout my time on campus. Perhaps the most frustrating policy is that not nearly enough students are allowed to sit in the lower level during the basketball games, which seriously hurts our home court advantage. This policy must be changed before the men’s team can become a serious national power.

But the Hilton expansion is not necessarily intended to benefit the basketball program. The only reason for the project is to attract more big-name concerts here.

The men’s team doesn’t even attract 10,000 fans per game now, so there is no benefit currently for the athletic department.

The hotel tax increase is a win-win situation. Bigger and better concerts will come here, the local economy will see a big boost, and almost none of the money will come out of our pockets.

I encourage students to focus on the issues. Student seating at sporting events is still a major issue that must be resolved. But the Hilton project is a completely separate issue that could provide huge benefits to Iowa State and Ames. Vote “yes” for this tax.

Jacob Martzahn


Chemical engineering