Zones alleviate students’ stress

Joelle Coons

Stress Free Zones are taking some of the strain out of studying for finals during Dead Week.

The Stress Free Zones began Tuesday and run through today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Maintenance Shop and Browsing Library of the Memorial Union.

“It is a place where students are able to take time to relax, to have fun, and to have time to themselves,” said Jen Barger, outreach director of the Student Union Board.

SUB President Neelika Jayawardane said the stress free sites are open to all students who need relief from studying.

“The zones are open to all students that wish to take a break from all their studying no matter what age you are,” she said. “They can come over to the zones and relax, talk with friends and play with all the toys.”

Those toys include coloring books, Play-Doh, race cars, Legos and bubbles on a table at the front door inside the M-Shop, Jayawardane said.

And in the Browsing Library, students can watch meditation videos, receive aromatherapy and listen to soothing music.

“They will take you back to your childhood and make students not feel so stressed out during the big studying week,” Jayawardane said.

The zones are offered during Dead Week each semester.

Barger said this is the first year that SUB has sponsored Stress Free Zones on its own. In past years, SUB has teamed up with the Adult Learner and Commuter Student Programs to sponsor the activity.

“It seemed more appropriate for SUB to take care of [Stress Free Zones] rather than Adult Learner because it is for all students at the university, not just adult students,” she said.