Pigeon milk is SO real

In response to Ellyn Peterson’s April 1, 1999 column on the origins of April Fool’s Day, I have an insignificant nit to pick.

She mentions the folly of trying to find a “quart of pigeon’s milk,” implying that it is an impossibility.

Sorry, but that isn’t impossible. Pigeons actually do produce “milk” from their crop that they regurgitate for their young.

This milk is composed of sloughed epithelial cells, similar to what is produced by cows, goats, humans or other mammals from breast tissue.

Finding a quart may be difficult-inducing several dozens of “lactating” pigeons to puke into a bottle is no mean feat, but it’s definitely possible from a biological standpoint.

I don’t think I’d want to be the “fool” doing the work, however.

Paul L. Pearson, Ph.D.

