An intelligent letter? You make the call!

Ben Rolf

I have yet to read an intelligent letter concerning this whole pro sports debate. So I’m going to take a whack at it.

There is a very simple reason nurses and teachers do not make the same kind of money that NFL players do. It’s called capitalism. People want to watch professional sports and pay to do so.

In order to draw the most people, the owners try to get the best players.

Therefore, the best players get paid the most money. And do you know how many Ken Griffeys or Sammy Sosas there are out there? Players of this caliber come along once in a lifetime. That’s why they are paid millions of dollars.

So if you think this is immoral and indecent, don’t buy any merchandise or go to the games.

They won’t get a penny of your money, and you won’t have anything to complain about.

If this doesn’t satisfy you, move to Cuba. Another thing, why don’t you socialists complain about Hollywood and the outrageous paychecks they get? Or are actors honorable and praiseworthy like social workers.

In yesterday’s letters to the editor somebody made the crack that “the more you’re into sports the dumber you are.”

That has no basis in reality and doesn’t even deserve comment.

But just so you know Chris, as a National Merit Scholar and Twins fan since we beat the Cards in the epic World Series of ’87, I think that theory has a lot of holes.

Ben Rolf


Computer engineering