Gun laws save lives

Brandi King

I’m writing in response to Andrew Mohror’s comments related to his views on gun control laws, specifically that gun control laws will not prevent tragedies like the one that occurred in Littleton, Colo.

I am particularly saddened by Mr. Mohror’s final comment, “I believe my safety is in MY ability to defend myself … “

Mr. Mohror, don’t you see that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold WERE defending themselves, at least in their own warped minds?

I’m not saying that gun control laws can completely eliminate the problem, but every little step we take has got to help.

If at least one person is saved by a gun control law, I feel that law has been effective.

Indeed, some lives may have been spared in this tragedy simply if these boys weren’t able to get their hands on the type of weapons they wanted.

A gun store owner has come forward and said that these boys and an 18-year-old girl were in his store a few weeks before the shooting trying to buy guns that could do substantially more damage than the guns used in the actual shooting. The girl was not able to purchase the guns because she was not 21.

Because of the existence of the law that outlaws the sale of such weapons to those under 21, countless lives may have been saved.

I ask you, Mr. Mohror, isn’t that worth it to you?

Would it have been if your sister, your father or your best friend was at Columbine High the day those 13 innocent souls were sent to meet God?

Brandi King

West Des Moines