Veishea fun for all

Editorial Board

Veishea is dry again this year.

We all know it; we all have opinions about it.

Either you think the administration’s controlling your personal decisions and taking over the “student-run” aspect of Veishea, or you’re thrilled that those crazy drunk kids won’t be rioting on your lawn this year.

Whichever way you feel, there is one thing that you can’t do (legally, anyway) on campus this weekend.

But there are hundreds of other things that you can do during Veishea weekend, and although they don’t involve kegs, they do merit some consideration.

First, there are the traditional cherry pies. The line gets long on Saturday, but you won’t really experience Veishea if you don’t grab one.

And while you’re at it, how about stopping by the pancake breakfast Saturday morning for some piping hot flapjacks hitting you on the head?

Look around the Veishea Village Saturday, and check out the open houses at ISU. From the solar car display to the Block & Bridle Club’s petting zoo, the clubs and organizations at ISU will be showing off their stuff.

There are also opportunities to experience other cultures during the Cultural Festival, which will include food from around the world, traditional costumes from the students’ native countries and a stage with dancing, singing and Hapkido.

There will also be a BSA-sponsored Talent Show Friday, which is free and open to the public.

If you’re looking for a little physical exertion, check out the canoe joust on Lake LaVerne after the parade or the sand and mud volleyball tournaments during the weekend. If relaxing exertion’s your thing, stroll Veenker during the Veishea Golf Classic.

Or, if you’d rather watch other people exert themselves, go to the football team’s spring game and schmooze with alumni.

These are only some of the options of what to do this weekend. There’s also Taste of Veishea, a carnival in the Iowa State Center parking lot, a comedian at the Rec, a concert at Hilton, Stars Over Veishea — the list goes on.

No, none of these events involve alcohol. But they can involve a good time, if you let them.

This weekend is full of the history of Iowa State. The celebration is what our campus is all about.

So enjoy Veishea this year. Go to the attractions, see the sights with your friends and forget about the administration’s Big Brother techniques.

You can drink again next weekend.