USAC plans improvements for residents

Trent Nelson

The University Student Apartment Community Council has big plans to make apartment life a little easier for residents of Hawthorn Court, Schilletter Village and University Village.

Jason Ellsworth, USAC Council chairman, said high on the council’s priority list is establishing faster Internet connections using Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL) rather than the phone lines now used.

Joe Riesberg, resident of University Village and sophomore in horticulture, said DSL is as an “excellent” alternative to the current system, which he described as a “hassle.”

USAC needs at least 30 residents to commit to the system by Friday for Telecommunications to make DSL available, said USAC Mayor Scott Openshaw.

“It’s something people in USAC have wanted for a while,” said Openshaw, graduate student in biomedical engineering. “Eleven have said they want it at whatever cost.”

The total monthly cost for DSL would be $37 plus a one-time installation fee, and it would be available as early as August.

Ellsworth, graduate student in agronomy, said another goal of the USAC Council is to build a computer lab. The council submitted a $70,000 proposal to the Computation Advisory Committee earlier this month.

Openshaw said the computer lab would consist of 20 computers, a server, a laser printer, a scanner and software.

Ellsworth said the council also is in the early stages of planning for a community center that would be located near University and Schilletter villages.

“What we need is several study rooms, a computer lab and meeting room,” he said.

Openshaw said the council has visited community centers at other schools collecting information. He said the council also has been seeking residents’ opinions before proceeding.

Another plan of the USAC Council is to revitalize the community playground. Ellsworth said USAC will add new equipment, plants and more benches to the site.

The Department of Residence has allocated $75,000 over the next two years for the playground improvements, Openshaw said.

“We will hire a contractor who will send in a supervisor to direct residents. The community puts it together,” he said.

Other improvements the USAC Council plans to make include:

  • Installing a playground sandbox and bike-path area.
  • Refurbishing the sand volleyball court.
  • Purchasing nets for soccer goals and basketball hoops.
  • Installing a CyRide shelter on Stange Road near Schilletter and University villages.