In Retrospect

Jamie Lange

Editor’s note: In Retrospect features articles from significant points in the life of the university as they appeared in the Iowa State Student on Sept. 17 and Sept. 22, 1914.

(Sept. 17, 1914)


Will Be Guest of College During Stay Here — Invited by County Progressive Organization – To Appear at Des Moines On Day Following His Visit Here

Classes Will in All Probability Be Dismissed So That All Students on the Campus Will Be Able to Hear the Colonel Speak

If present plans do not go wrong, Theodore Roosevelt will speak in the gymnasium next Wednesday afternoon.

That is the good news that came over the wire to C.R. Quade, downtown photographer, and candidate for the state legislature, late Tuesday afternoon. The news came in reply to an invitation extended by local organizations in the county.

The Colonel will appear at Des Moines the day following, and his visit there will be a “between train” matter. He will be at Boone the same day.

Guest of College

While here Colonel Roosevelt will be the guest of the college. President Pearson stated this morning that the college would extend him every courtesy during his stay. In all probabilities classes will be dismissed so that every student on the campus may hear Mr. Roosevelt.

Judge John L. Stevens of Boone is in charge of arrangements of the program. Mr. Stevens was in Ames today completing plans for the matter.

Colonel Roosevelt will speak at the gymnasium for two reasons. First, there is no other place in Ames large enough to hold the big audience which will probably turn out; and second, Mr. Roosevelt will have a message for Ames students. He spoke in downtown a few years ago and centered his remarks about the college.

(Follow-up that ran on Sept. 22, 1914)


Hope That Ex-President Might Deliver Address At Gymnasium Given Death-Blow By Judge Stevens of Boone


Colonel Will Make Five Minute Talk and Will Take Lunch at Boone

Then Goes to Des Moines

Theodore Roosevelt will not speak at the gymnasium tomorrow.

That is the final statement given out by Judge John L. Stevens, national progressive committeeman from Iowa, late this afternoon. Mr. Roosevelt’s manager has insisted that the colonel needs his rest and cannot possibly include a speech here after his stop at Boone.

First Wire Gives Favorable Report Come

The first communication regarding Mr. Roosevelt’s proposed visit was resolved last Tuesday evening by C.R. Quade, downtown photographer and candidate for the state legislature on the progressive ticket. This stated positively and without reservation that Roosevelt would come.

Later Reports Contradictory

Later on through the week unofficial rumors arose stating that Roosevelt would not come. Conflicting statements continued to come until yesterday when definite official information was secured. This stated that it was “doubtful” whether or not the ex-President could be secured, but that every effort was being made to get him here.

To Be at Des Moines and Boone

Colonel Roosevelt will arrive in Boone tomorrow at 11:45 a.m. He will lunch with Stevens at Hotel Holst. After this he will make a five-minute speech to the citizens of Boone, and take a special interurban car to Des Moines, where he is to arrive at 3:00 p.m. He will rest from 3 to 5 and will then hold a political “pow-wow” and later address an audience at the Coliseum.

Hard Luck for Ames

This arrangement is regarded by Ames people, regardless of political beliefs as a piece of “hard luck.” That Mr. Roosevelt should be “so near yet so far” is a keen disappointment.

Daily staff writer Jamie Lange compiled this report.