Carver mural to be dedicated in ceremony

Kari Berghoefer

A mural honoring George Washington Carver will be dedicated at noon today in the east foyer of the Food Sciences building.

The three-paneled oil on canvas mural was created by Youssef Asar, Iowa State’s George Washington Carver artist-in-residence for 1998-99.

Asar is an award-winning artist from Cairo, Egypt, who came to ISU by invitation last September.

The panels are titled “Determination,” “Appreciation” and “Eternity.”

Two of the 8-foot by 6-foot panels, “Dedication,” and “Appreciation” will be displayed at the dedication today. Asar has not begun painting the third panel and said he’s not sure when painting will begin.

Asar began painting the panels in October and said he worked nearly 14 to 16 hours per day to complete the project. He finished the second panel on March 15.

A room in the basement of Curtiss Hall has served as his studio for the past six months.

“It’s a fantastic feeling that I’m contributing something to a great man like Carver,” he said.

Asar said he got the idea for his paintings after reading three books about Carver, the first African American student and faculty member at ISU. He put his ideas to paper over the course of three days and submitted them to Dean of the College of Agriculture David Topel, who was “impressed,” Asar said.

Topel was so impressed that the College of Agriculture covered the cost of the supplies.

“Without [Topel], this project wouldn’t have taken place,” Asar said.

Asar, ISU President Martin Jischke and Associate Dean of Agriculture Eric Hoiberg will be speaking at the ceremony.

Karen Bolluyt, program director for Agriculture Information Services, said the dedication of the artwork coincides with the dedication of a statue of Carver in the courtyard between Carver and Beardshear halls.

“These two artworks will be a long-time reminder of the celebrations of this year,” she said.

The placement of the artwork in Food Sciences, Bolluyt said, is appropriate because many students pass through the building on their way to class.

“It’s a place where a lot of people will see the murals, though they may not have a class there,” she said.

The location of the murals is also fitting, Bolluyt said, since Food Sciences houses the Center For Crops Utilization Research which, like Carver, finds new ways to use crops.

After the dedication, an ice cream social will be held in the Dairy Industry courtyard. In case of inclement weather, the reception will be held inside Food Sciences.

In addition to the mural, Asar said he also will paint a realistic portrait of Carver that will be hung opposite of the mural in the foyer of Food Sciences.

Asar also has depicted many Iowa and ISU landscapes, and those pieces of art are on display in the atrium and administrative office of the Kildee Hall addition. The exhibit is open to the public.

More information regarding the mural and other works by Asar is located at