A challenge for Governor Bush from a gay father

Todd Jennings

I am very upset that Gov. George W. Bush is pandering to religious conservatives with his opposition to a proposed hate-crimes bill and adoptions by gay men and women.

Bush spokeswoman Karen Hughes said, “Bush wants children adopted by married men and women, and he opposes special rights based upon sexual orientation.”

Gov. Bush, gay adults can make excellent parents.

Virtually all studies, excluding misinformation put out by wacko right-wing groups, attest to this fact.

Equal civil rights for gay people are just that: equal rights, not special rights.

Gov. Bush, when you can buy into such a phony slogan as “special rights,” I question the validity of any other slogans you embrace, such as “compassionate conservatism.”

I am an openly gay father of three children.

I would prefer to keep my sexuality private, but I cannot justify doing so while living in a society that continues to vilify sexual minorities.

With three college tuitions to pay, I’m not interested in adopting more children.

Most school-aged kids perceived to be gay, though, are tormented in our society, both at home and in school.

The ones who survive often have experiences they can use to become far better parents than their peers.

Gov. Bush, I would be happy to introduce you to a few people who have devoted their lives to understanding the roots of anti-gay bias, the nature of sexuality, and the successes and failures of gay people as parents.

Think about that offer.

Are you simply a politician or are you interested in improving our society?

Todd Jennings

New York