Alexander to get face full of pie

Kari Berghoefer

Director of Residence Randy Alexander will be satisfying his sweet tooth today by letting residents hurl pies at his face.

As part of Residence Hall Week, the Lower Friley Hall staff is holding a pie-throwing fund raiser from 3 to 7 p.m. in the Friley courtyard.

In addition to Alexander, Lower Friley hall director Anna Hammerschmidt will be another of the event’s targets, along with 12 RAs from Lower Friley Hall.

The chance to throw a pie at the RAs will cost $1, and it is $2-$3 to throw a pie at Alexander.

All proceeds from the fund raiser will go to Assault Care Center Extending Shelter and Support.

As an interesting twist, Hammerschmidt said Alexander may challenge a few students not to throw pies at him by outbidding what the student paid for the pie.

Suzanne Harle, RA for Lowe House, said the fund raiser is a fun way to end Residence Hall Week.

“It’s a good way to have a really good time and raise money at the same time,” said Harle, junior in community and regional planning.

Hammerschmidt said the pie-throw gives residents the opportunity to have some fun with their RAs and their residence hall communities.

“This is a chance to show students we’re as human as they are, and so is Randy,” she said.

Alexander said he has no apprehensions about being bombarded with pies.

“One of the RAs called and asked if I would like to be a target, and that’s how I got involved,” he said.

Harle said the lower floors in Friley donated money for supplies.

She said the event is geared toward the residents of Lower Friley Hall, but everyone is invited.

“All Iowa State students are welcome to come, watch and participate in the fund raiser,” Harle said.

The fund raiser will start at 3 p.m., with the targets changing every half hour. Alexander will be a target from 3 to 4 p.m.

In the case of inclement weather, the pie-throw will be held in the Friley Arches.