Students stage protest against NATO

Jason Young

A group of nearly 12 Iowa State students took to campus Wednesday, canvassing for a “peaceful gathering” to protest NATO involvement in Kosovo.

The group dispersed 450 fliers promoting the event slated to take place tonight at 8:40 in the Towers Courtyard, according to fliers.

However, Fran Scott, hall director of Knapp Hall, said she granted the group permission to hold the assembly in the commons area between Wallace and Wilson halls instead of the courtyard.

The idea for the protest was a collective effort by Mark Kochen, freshman in art and design; Allison Bouska, freshman in liberal arts and sciences; Sean Hart, freshman in art and design; and Geoff Zehnder, freshman in materials engineering, three days ago. The group recruited friends to disseminate fliers and advertise for the event.

Kochen said the focus of the gathering is to allow members of the ISU community to display their disagreement with NATO’s decision to intervene in the Balkans.

“It’s a gathering of people to show our disapproval of NATO’s involvement in the war in Kosovo,” he said. “It’s a war that we don’t belong in. Our basic concern is for human rights, human lives.”

He said the ISU Coalition Against NATO Intervention has expressed interest in joining the protest.

Though the Towers Residence Association has spawned two student outbursts over the past two years, Kochen said organizers hope the gathering will be non-violent.

Violence, he said, “would completely negate the purpose of the demonstration.” If trouble brews, Kochen said he’s “pulling the plug” on the event.

“One ‘Fuck Dry Veishea,’ and we’re done,” he said. “We don’t feel violence solves anything.”

Kochen said feedback about the protest has been mostly favorable and roughly estimated that more than 50 people will attend.

Though Scott isn’t expecting mischief since the event will be held indoors, she said she’s prepared if students’ feathers get ruffled.

“I’d probably call [the Department of Public Safety] and have them come out,” she said.