Quick Es

Daily Staff Writer

Quick E of the Day

“Where can I get permission to drive on campus sidewalks?”



Star Wars Quick Es

A long time ago, in a newspaper far, far away …

Send us your best and funniest “Star Wars” Quick Es to be run this, the last week of the Daily. Make them good. Obscure quotes, original material, it’s all good. Here’s one:

“Flyin’ through hyperspace ain’t like dustin’ crops, boy!”


Performing arts and

political science

“Is it my imagination, or did the athletic department only start talking about giving students more good seats when they needed us to vote for their plan? P.S. Is this also a ‘master plan?'”

Graduate student


“I can deal with increased tuition; I can deal with increased cost of living; but for the love of god, let me drink a Mountain Dew on campus. Coke sucks.”


Management information systems

“Don’t be afraid of me because I’m gay. Be afraid of me because I can kick your ass.”



“I am going to start reading my bible more — it’ll help with the crosswords.”



“If the new mural in Kildee Hall is representative of the animal science program, how come there is no horse on it?”


Animal science

“Bad press for athletes: What a shame; try actually paying for your own tuition!”


Sociology and psychology

E-mail one-sentence Quick Es to [email protected]. edu with “Quick E” as the subject. Include year in school and major. All Quick Es will be anonymous.