Big screen songs bare souls

Jake & Moss Pit

Editor’s note: 2 DJs and a Boombox is exactly that. Jake, a former DJ at Campustown bars, and Moss Pit, a local mobile music DJ, play a few tunes for each other and let their thoughts flow.

Jake and Moss Pit: One, two, three …

MP: There we go. Scissors cut paper. I’ll start. Let me make our readers aware of this week’s theme, which is songs from memorable movie scenes.

“Playing With The Boys”

Kenny Loggins

J: The volleyball scene.

MP: Oh yeah, the classic male adrenaline scene.

J: Women love this scene, too. And all the guys are like, “Oh yeah, that’s me.” In fact, when I was in high school, a bunch of us got together and formed a two-man volleyball tournament. Oh, we sucked. But we all felt like we were “Top Gun.”

MP: Everyone was doing that high five — up and come back down. Everything about this scene gets you pumped up.

J: All the slow motion shots and the dives. Then you’ve got Slider doing the rooster crows.

MP: “Top Gun” has such a fitting soundtrack. “Take My Breath Away” — what a perfect song for that scene.

J: As soon as someone hears this song, they know exactly what scene it is from, and they want to go play volleyball.

MP: Kenny Loggins was the first concert I ever went to.

J: Did he just play all soundtrack songs?

MP: Pretty much.

J: Now, he’s doing “Down By Pooh Corner,” so you could take your kids.

“Paradise City”

Guns ‘N’ Roses

J: Have you seen the movie “Can’t Hardly Wait”? This is when the nerd is getting drunk for the first time. He jumps up and grabs the mic and starts karaoking. Pretty soon, he’s ripping his clothes off.

But the classic part of the whole scene is when this girl shows him her breasts, and he just passes out, and the music stops. Then, in pure silence, from a floor-based camera, he jumps back up, and the mic flies in his hand, and he goes back into the song.

MP: “Can’t Hardly Wait” was perfect for what it was meant to be.

J: It’d be a movie that John Cusack and Patrick Dempsey would star in if it was made seven or eight years ago.

MP: And of course, there’s Jennifer Love, who’s a hottie.

J: One of the best scenes is when Seth Green says, “Yo, man, says here in Playboy, 92 percent of co-eds at UCLA are having sex, ya’ll. Ninety-two percent wake up and say, ‘Do I go to class or do I have sex?'”

“Holding Out For A Hero”

Bonnie Tyler

MP: This is when they’re playing chicken on the tractors.

J: And he gets his shoelace stuck on the tire pedal.

MP: I was just thinking about this scene last week in my film class. We were watching “Rebel Without A Cause” and there is a very parallel scene to this one.

J: This is a great scene. The ol’ city boy has to fight the country boys on their turf.

MP: It is very similar to the “Top Gun” thing, where it just sucks adrenaline out of you.

J: Masculinity at its best. Boys will be boys.

MP: Although, this song also reminds me of a soap opera. When I was a kid, I used to watch “Days Of Our Lives” … do you ever watch that?

J: Oh, no.

MP: Well, there was a classic show where Bo steals Hope from marrying this other tool, and they’re riding away on his motorcycle, and they play this song. I am embarrassed to remember that.

J: This song reminds me of a junior high show choir I was in. We did a “Footloose” medley, and we all had stonewashed jean jackets, except I didn’t have one. I just had a regular denim Lee jacket.

My mom felt bad, so she tried to stonewash it in our washing machine, and it ended up with a bunch of white patches on it. I stood out like a madman, but I had to credit her for trying.

“In Your Eyes”

Peter Gabriel

J: This is possibly one of the best scenes in a movie ever. It’s a song that has enjoyed commercial success away from the movie, but “Say Anything” made this song the romantic anthem it is. Everyone can embrace the picture of him holding the boombox above his head.

MP: Yeah, this is the epitome of a perfect movie scene.

J: How you start to hear the song, then the camera pans out and shows him standing by his car, which is so symbolic throughout the movie. And that’s just baring your soul. Realizing you look like a damn fool, but you just have something to say.

MP: I honestly have felt like doing that, showing up in a girl’s lawn with my radio and a copy of “In Your Eyes.”

J: It would be classic. But, it probably wouldn’t have the same effect as it does in the movie. You’d either get arrested or she’d laugh her ass off at you.

MP: Or you’d get 40 sorority girls looking out their windows, going, “What the hell?”

J: But, you know, if one of us did do it, we could call this 2 DJs, John Cusack and a Boombox.