Spread real virtue

Michael Riley

Yesterday we herd that up to 25 students and teachers are dead in Denver.

They are now saying that schools need more security. Hogwash. If you do not spread virtues then you are left to arming yourself and protecting yourself from all the un-virtuous people.

We are seeing that happen today. In the past 100 years, moral teaching has been on such a rapid decline, we are almost entirely lost. So now we see the moral people arming themselves.

If you really want to help people, then spread virtue. Real virtue.

Ask yourself if you are being virtuous. If not, then arm yourself. People with a lack of virtue just do not care.

If we do not spread virtues, then we lose. People become confused, disillusioned, and then suicidal.

Benjamin Franklin wrote, “They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

It is our liberty to be able to walk into school without the security. To be able to trust our neighbor. The only way to do this is to “Love your neighbor as yourself,” thereby ensuring you propagate morality and virtue.

Virtues create life and longevity. They do not create death and destruction. If you really care about your life and happiness, virtues and ethics are the only way to serve this end. Anything else and you will cut your life and the lives of others short.

Learn to think and reason, not to act on whim or desire. Learn what real virtues are and why they help your life.

Michael Riley


Computer engineering