Sarcasm alert

Shawn Miller

April Goodwin, on behalf of sports fans across the world, I would like to thank you for opening my eyes about sports.

I want to thank you for imploring me to not watch sports and attend art exhibits or watch documentaries on starving children in Africa. I want to thank you for telling me athletics are of less benefit than the works of an artist, social worker or nurse.

I’m glad to know athletics have never taught their participants about teamwork, hard work, sacrifice or the realization of childhood dreams.

Do you know how many people watch sports on a daily basis? Evidently not, since you don’t “waste” your time on such frivolous activities. You’re too busy learning more about the “important” things in life like religion, morality and politics.

Maybe we should abolish sports and rescind scholarships for athletes and give them to aspiring artists and social workers?

Maybe we could hold an art exhibit at Jack Trice instead of football games.

Think of all of the “bad” sports personalities and legends we might never have known.

Jesse Owens wouldn’t have single-handedly dealt Hitler’s supreme race a mighty blow. Jack Trice would have never died at the hands of Minnesota player while he so “foolishly” sacrificed his own body in hopes of aiding a teammate.

I guess you’re right. Sports are bad. I hope you succeed in your conquest to rid them from the earth. That way, people can find “better” things to do like reading your “insightful” columns.

Shawn Miller


Journalism and exercise science