Veishea countdown competition to begin

Emily Graham

Veishea is less than a week away, and to get into the spirit of the festivities, Iowa State colleges are going to be competing in Countdown to Veishea, which starts today.

The competition was designed to get students involved, not only in their colleges, but also with the student-run celebration.

All events will be held on central campus between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Any students who want to participate can show up on the day their colleges compete.

Justin Hattan, Countdown to Veishea co-chairman, said in previous years, the College of Agriculture has had the best turnout, but this year, other colleges are making an effort to get involved.

“The College of Business dean told me that ‘his kids are going to kick some butt,'” said Hattan, sophomore in economics. “I am really looking forward to a spirited event.”

The first competition will be held today between the College of Agriculture and the College of Engineering. The activities will be agriculture- and engineering-related olympics.

Students from the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Family and Consumer Sciences and Design will face off against each other in olympic games on Wednesday.

The College of Business and College of Education will compete Thursday in a game of Jeopardy. Students also can participate in a “business clothes race,” in which they wear suits and solve business-related problems.

Students in education will work on an art project during the competition.

Participants in Countdown to Veishea may be eligible for a scholarship from their respective colleges. One person from each college may have the chance to receive a scholarship at the end of the day.

At press time, a $100 scholarship was available for students in the Colleges of Education, Business, Design and Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Committee members still were working on getting scholarships from the other colleges and said the prospect of getting the scholarships looked good.

“I think that most of the colleges will end up donating the $100,” said Malinda Oswalt, Countdown to Veishea co-chairwoman.

Oswalt, sophomore in pre-business, said participation was pretty low last year, partially because of rain, but she hopes more students will get involved this year.

“The scholarship should bring more people out this year, and there is good food, too, if you are a member of the right college,” she said.

In case of inclement weather, all events will be held in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.