Bomb threats

Editorial Board

With the country still reeling from the Littleton massacre, copycats are popping up all over the country, including Ames.

Ames High School received a bomb threat Wednesday morning from an unidentified person.

“[The person] just called, made contact with [a receptionist], stated there was a bomb in the school and hung up,” said Sgt. Randy Kessel of the Ames Police Department.

Students were quickly evacuated from the building, and police combed the building for the device, eventually finding nothing.

The poor attempt at humor was not very funny.

After the tragedy that took place in Littleton, students, teachers and parents around the country are on edge. Stuff like this does not help.

As the community of Littleton lays its children to rest, the nation is fixated on the suburb of Denver.

Flowers and cards are piling up outside of the vacant school from mourners and well-wishers around the country.

The dead need to be remembered, but we need to move on with the hope that the nation has learned something from this atrocity. Unfortunately, there are a few people who find it somehow humorous.

The individual who called in to Ames High School was either trying to be funny or get out of school.

The attempt to be funny was moot and even sick. Death is not funny, especially when it involves innocent children in our schools.

There should be no copy-catting the two disturbed individuals who killed 15 students in Colorado.

Parents and students alike should not stand for it.

The Ames Police Department and the school administration did the right thing by evacuating the school and should be commended for their efforts, even though odds are it was a prank.

The individual who called in the threat will hopefully realize that what they did was not funny but in fact sick and stupid. Students were visibly shaken by the bomb threat and its eerie similarity to Littleton.

As the nation tries to mend its wounds, it needs to focus on the good that goes on in our nation’s schools — not the periodic senseless violence.

It is a sad fact that a tragedy needs to occur for the nation to take a deep look at the state of the nation’s schools.

The tragedy in Littleton has opened the nation’s eyes to problems in its schools. Hopefully, the nation will learn from this horrible experience and move on to a better America.