Blasting Dole wrong

Sue Atkinson

Thursday’s Daily had an editorial blasting Elizabeth Dole for changing her stance on abortion and assuming that she will lose the women’s vote as a result. When Clinton first ran for the presidency, he started out vehemently against NAFTA.

He soon learned that if he was serious about getting elected, he would have to change sides in that debate. He did.

He was elected twice. Why? Because those with money wanted that agreement and were willing to pay him to support it.

There is a growing recognition in this country that a fetus is a baby, probably due to the fact that you can see in utero these days. If a fetus is a baby, then abortion is murder.

As saner minds realize that killing a baby to solve a problem (which the baby could not possibly have created) is absurd, Dole’s position is not that untenable.

In fact, people who hold that opinion are entitled to be able to vote for a candidate who represents that opinion. To do otherwise is to disenfranchise them.

Sue Atkinson

Graduate student

Community and regional planning and history