Disturbing feature

Todd K. Jennings

I think the most disturbing feature about Monica Lewinsky’s TV interview was what she couldn’t say.

When asked by Barbara Walters to comment on how she was treated by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr and his associates, Lewinsky froze.

She refused even to comment on how she felt about Starr. “I’m too afraid to answer that,” she said.

Lewinsky explained that Starr had forbidden her from speaking about his office’s conduct and its treatment of her.

What public interest is served by prohibiting Lewinsky from discussing how she felt about Starr’s conduct?

Fortunately, the U.S. Justice Department has launched an investigation into the conduct of Starr and his staff to see if they trampled anyone’s civil rights.

But that shouldn’t preclude Lewinsky from discussing publicly how she was treated by Starr.

Lewinsky said one thing that should send shivers down the spine of all Americans.

When asked about Starr, Lewinsky responded: “I learned things this past year and saw things this past year that I didn’t know happened in this country.”

To protect the rights of all Americans, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno should find out what she meant by that.

Todd K. Jennings

New York