Whatsamatta U.

Sarah Schweitzer

I was walking back to the Towers with a friend of mine just the other day, and I realized that people, especially college people, don’t have anything to protest anymore, especially on this campus. The people I have found are so lethargic that it frightens me.

Right now there are about a hundred guys standing in the middle of the Towers commons area screaming unintelligible things to DPS and just the world in general. And I have to ask myself: Why?

Why would a hundred seemingly well-adjusted young people stand and yell? Is it because they are tired of all that “studying” they do? No, that couldn’t be it.

Do they just want to tear down an innocent lamp post because it insulted them in some past life? Not hardly.

It is because they have nothing to show for this petty and insignificant lives that they are leading. They have no causes to make their own. I would have been a lot more impressed if these hundred or so students were shouting “free Kosovo!” instead of shouting out “bullshit!”

In fact, I would have joined them. But I honestly think that if you yelled out “free Kosovo” to the nearest student, they would ask what kind of cookie that was and where they could get the free sample.

It saddens and disgusts me that these people don’t have anything better to do than cause chaos and annoy those of us who actually use our minds for something worthwhile, like breathing.

Sarah Schweitzer

