Monica’s book sees mixed sales

Gretchen Cleland

A week after the release of Monica Lewinsky’s tell-all book, “Monica’s Story,” local book stores had varying reports on the book’s success.

At Waldenbooks in North Grand Mall, 2801 Grand Ave., Lewinsky’s tale of her affair with President Clinton has not been doing well.

“I don’t think we’ve seen as much in the way of sales as was expected,” said Saleem Saed, assistant manager of the store.

Saed said Waldenbooks’ Ames location has only sold six or seven copies of Lewinsky’s book.

“We had two people waiting outside of our store the day the book was released who were there to pick up their own copies,” Saed said, “but since then, we really haven’t seen much excitement over it.”

Saed said he feels the book will be off the New York Times bestseller list soon.

Gale Brubaker, community relations coordinator for Borders Books Music & Cafe in West Des Moines, also felt the book would drop from the list soon, but said the store has been selling the book in massive quantities thus far.

“I don’t think anyone expects the book to stay on the bestseller list for long,” he said. “But we have been selling a lot of the book in these first two weeks.”

Borders’ first shipment of Lewinsky’s book sold out in four days, Brubaker said.

“We’ve since had to order more copies, and sales are brisk on this shipment as well,” he said. “However, I think once people get an initial taste of the book, sales will die down.”

Most people purchasing the book are interested in learning Lewinsky’s side of the story, Brubaker said.

“One customer said she was glad to have a chance to read Monica’s side of the affair, so that she could finally make up her own mind about the whole situation,” he said.

Even Brubaker said he has taken a little interest in the book.

“I’ve skimmed the book and read all of the reviews of it but haven’t had a chance to read the whole thing yet,” he said.

The book retails at $24.95 but can be purchased at Borders for $17 with the bestseller discount.