Ignorance hurts

Our reaction to Ben Godar’s recent article, “Gates contribution a slap in the face,” can be summed up by saying that Mr. Godar has no right or reason to criticize the charitable acts of others without first providing evidence of his own acts of civic giving.

He bases his article on the Catholic tradition of tithing, which, in its most modern form, is used to support the Catholic church.

Godar fails to show how HE has risen above his own moral casting of a mandatory 10 percent contribution.

To say that Bill Gates’ $3 billion donation is “not enough” is the real slap in the face!

Godar insists that the $3 billion contributed by Gates did not measure up to his 10 percent yardstick.

What Godar ignores is that Gates’ actual income is not $40 billion, but rather his stock, or his net worth, is equal to $40 billion.

It is doubtful that Mr. Godar will contribute 10 percent of $3 billion in his lifetime.

Giving until it hurts is a dandy concept for those who have never felt the sting of going without a meal for days or sleeping outside because you have to.

Those in need are not self-righteous enough to pro-rate your kindness based on your income. Giving doesn’t hurt, poverty does and reading Ben Godar’s two cents’ worth shows that ignorance really does hurt us all.

Alan Johnson



Wendy Novacek

