
Daily Staff Writer

U.S. Latino studies program to add faculty member

The Department of History and the U.S. Latino studies program will add a new faculty member in the fall of 1999.

Jerry Garcia, who is completing his doctorate in history at Washington State University, has accepted an offer to join the Iowa State faculty.

Garcia’s research has been focused on Japanese migration to Mexico, and he also has written on Mexican American communities in the state of Washington.

The addition of Garcia will bring the number of faculty members offering courses in Latino studies to four. The other three faculty members are Hector Avalos, associate professor of philosophy and religious studies; Ed Mu¤oz, associate professor of sociology; and Jose Amaya, assistant professor of English.

Catt applications available now

The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics is accepting applications for the 1999-2000 Catt Associates Program.

Catt Associates is open to undergraduates and graduate students, both male and female, interested in politics, public policy and public service.

Associates must be in their second semester at Iowa State and must demonstrate scholastic achievement.

Through their volunteer work at the center, Catt Associates will observe how a public service organization funds, staffs and plans programs and events.

Applications are available at Catt Hall and are due March 31 by 5 p.m.

Accepted applicants will be inducted at the center’s annual Strong-Minded Women Dinner, Awards Ceremony and Dessert Reception on April 22.