LGBT Awareness
March 31, 1999
On nearly a weekly basis, someone writes a letter to the editor about homosexuals at Iowa State or issues regarding homosexuality issues in the United States.
Often times, these letters exhibit open hostility towards homosexuals and we at the Daily think that since this week is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Awareness Week, this is the perfect time to encourage the population of ISU to get out there and show its support.
Many students have no problem expressing open hostility towards homosexuals on campus via letters.
It seems unlikely that these public displays of venom are hiding a friendlier attitude.
Now is an excellent time to take advantage of the opportunity to attend lectures on “Homosexuality and the Greek System” and “Christianity and Homosexuality.”
The world is a big place filled with lots of different kinds of people.
Don’t make up your mind about them until you have had a chance to get to know them.
Some of the world’s greatest figures in the military and the arts and sciences have been gay.
Alexander the Great, Horatio Alger, George Washington Carver, Susan B. Anthony, Hans Christian Anderson, Michelangelo, Lord Byron, Alexander Hamilton, Walt Whitman, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Freddie Mercury, Nikola Tesla … and the list goes on and on.
Take your pick.
There must be at least one person on this admittedly short list you admire and for good reason.
Homosexuality is not just a lifestyle decision; it isn’t a choice anyone makes just to be stylish or fashionable.
It is a fact of life, and it is every bit as natural as heterosexuality.
Biology is destiny, and no matter what your opinion of homosexuals is, you are related to them; you have friends who are gay; and you will work and live with homosexuals for your entire life — whether you can accept that fact rationally or not.
This week is all about providing a forum for everyone to get together in a non-confrontational manner to discuss issues effecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.
It is also a time for heterosexual students to come out and show their support for their fellow students, who would like nothing more than to be able to live and work on campus with the same acceptance as everyone else.