Be very afraid

Steve Erickson

The commentaries of the radical left regarding Ben Studenski that graced your much maligned pages on Monday prove an interesting point that needs to be brought out. The left has been arguing against a colorblind society for years. Why?

It is a very simple question with a very complex answer.

In order to remain in power, the left has been espousing the notion of “multiculturalism” or “diversity.”

The central tenets of these notions is division and not unity.

The goal, eliminating racism, is a noble one, but you cannot eliminate racism and at the same time be telling people that identity is based on race. This is a blatant contradiction!

The radical left is obsessed with retaining its grip on power. To remain in power, there has to be a division to exploit. There is probably no better division to exploit than race.

Racism is more than simply the belief that one race is superior to another.

It is the belief that, because of the color of your skin, all the members of one race are going to think alike, act alike, vote alike, share the same heritage, customs, political views or morals.

Ben does not share those beliefs. The left does. Who is the racist?

The liberals are, not Ben. Studenski thoroughly believes that all people are created equal.

If we are all created equal, there is no need for special representation or for continuing to perpetuate the racist lie that people are somehow different or less human based upon factors beyond an individual’s control.

Justice Antonin Scalia, perhaps the greatest mind in our government, has written that the Constitution does not recognize any race except American.

When we turned on our televisions on that terrible day when the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City was bombed, the commentators, pundits and “experts” cared little about the race of the victims.

To this day, you do not hear that 168 blacks died, 168 hispanics died, 168 Jews died, or 168 Catholics died. You hear that 168 Americans died.

Ben Studenski wants us to be as unified in life as we are in death.

The Left (at least ISU’s Left) does not.

They view Studenski as a threat to their liberal establishment, and they are terrified that he is going to be elected.

They are right. Ben is a threat to the left. He is a threat to the establishment. All of the liberals in the ISU administration should be afraid … be VERY afraid.

Ben and I have been in the trenches of the culture war together for two years now.

Many times, we felt like we were the only two because the “Republicans” on this campus were too timid to fight with us.

His loyalty to God and the country cannot be judged by any human standards.

There is no way that he would ever betray this country by getting up in front of a bunch of leftists and singing the Negro national anthem.

Bryan Burkhardt, Justin Hattan and Jeremy Davis are on one side of this cultural war, but Ben Studenski is on our side, and with your help, we can move forward together as one people.

Join me in supporting the Studenski/Robert ticket and putting the students first.

Steve Erickson




ISU Campus Republicans