Leave my character out of it

Ryan Walrod

I had no intention of replying to Joe Siple’s response to my first letter until friends of mine encouraged me to write in and clear things up.

First of all, to clear away the attack on my character Mr. Siple made: I do not have an “alcohol-dominated mind.”

I do not drink, never have, and don’t plan to partake in the near future.

On top of that, my first letter never even mentioned alcohol and I’m not sure what basis you used to assume I was talking about drinking.

Second of all, Mr. Siple, I think you slightly misinterpreted my letter.

All I was doing was pointing out the fact that from my view, students do not control Veishea like they think.

This view was partially forged by the constant complaining students have done about last year’s Veishea and this year’s Veishea.

You say it is simple administration intervention, but I think it’s more than that.

When they say, “Do this, or Veishea is cancelled,” it goes beyond intervention.

In the future, feel free to express your opinion, but please refrain from attacking my character.

Ryan Walrod


Performing arts