Alcohol is only one way to have fun

Joe Siple

In Wednesday’s edition of the Daily, Ryan Walrod claimed that Veishea is not student-run and is definitely not “student-fun.”

Mr. Walrod needs to take a look at the whole picture rather than walking around blindly ranting and raving about something he just wants to complain about.

First of all, Veishea is and always has been student run.

I would agree with Mr. Walrod that administration intervention, although well-intentioned, has done little but lead to the demise of Veishea.

And telling 21-year-old students that they can’t drink is nothing but a violation of their rights.

But we all need to realize that alcohol, which is the only thing some students seem to think Veishea is about, is not the only thing that can deliver a good time to college students.

Don’t get me wrong; I wouldn’t give up my favorite beer for anything. But to think that it is the only option for enjoying our campus’ celebration is to cheat yourself out of a great weekend.

Last year Veishea was dry, and relatively few ISU students participated in any way.

I think they missed out. A great band by the name of Tonic was in town and played at Hilton. This year, another big name band, The Goo Goo Dolls, is playing.

Mr. Walrod, maybe you should try to enjoy the weekend and look at the glass as half full. It isn’t hard to do. Just open your alcohol-dominated mind and see what else this university has to offer.

Joe Siple


Journalism and mass communication